Wednesday, July 14, 2010

day 3

Woke up and went for a run - same as Monday. Hips were still slightly sore. I want to do more but I am trying to show a little restraint in order to avoid burn out.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

day 2

The previous post is dated the 11th but rest assured it was in fact the 12th.
Today I played it pretty cool. My hips were really pretty sore so I decided to let them
recover a bit before running again tomorrow. For my birthday I was lucky enough to receive
a gift certificate for Island Sports. Tried on some running pants - feeling fat. Trying not to feel
discouraged before I even truly begin.
I shall run again in the morning.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

birthday beginning

Started the day with my very first run ever. I mean, I have ran before but I have never intentionally set out on a run. I am following the couch to 5K program At this point I am very confident and happy with it. 20 minutes broken down to intervals of walking and running. Did a total of 7 minutes running.